

My name is Brandie Johnson. I am an entertainment lawyer by trade but my life's work is caring for my almost two year old daughter. I could have never imagined how my life would change once I brought a child into this world. It has been the most challenging and rewarding time of my life. As a working mother, I have found the biggest challenge is finding home/work life balance, i.e., making my biggest passions, the career I've worked so hard far and have so much further to go in and a happy home (meaning happy mommy, daddy and child) in my life co-exist in way where I feel I am living up to my fullest potential on both fronts. 

With this I have coined the phrase Mommy-PreneurYou may be wondering what a mommy- preneur is. It is a  woman that is striving to live a life of balance. That's the balance of career, family, herself and everything in between. It's also the balance of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. She is not a perfect woman, but she sets her standards high and she works hard to live up to them. She is female empowerment. She is strength. She is beauty. She may be a mother, a wife, a business woman, a daughter, a friend, and a sister. Whatever the case, she makes having it all look easy (the operative word here being "look") because we all know it's never easy, but absolutely worth it!

I've created this blog to document my mommy-preneur journey, the good, the bad and the often times hilarious. This is a lifestyle blog about real life. Through it I hope to inspire and be inspired.



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